
An adapter is a script that reads and/or modifies data from the VReeBodyModel.

Adapters are executed every frame, in order of priority. This priority is set using the reorderable list in the Settings

Creating an adapter

A new adapter can be created by extending from AdapterBase. The AdapterCallback method is called every frame. This method gets a reference of the body. In this method, the adapter's logic is placed. For example, setting the hips to (x=0, y=1, z=0):

// Move the hip bone up by 1 meter.
body.SetBonePosition(BoneType.Hips, new Vector3(0, 1, 0),  Player.GetNeutralBody());

Modifying the body

Using the Body reference within the AdapterCallback allows for modification of it's bones using the SetBonePosition and SetBoneRotation methods.

There are two optional parameters in both of these calls, defining the BoneTrackingSpace and BoneEditMode.

BoneTrackingSpace defines whether the data is in world (global) or local space. BoneEditMode defines how to handle the data. The following options are available:

  • ReplaceData Replaces the existing data in the bone with the supplied data, multiplied by the neutral of the avatar

  • ReplaceDataIgnoreNeutral Replaces the existing data in the bone with the supplied data, ignoring the neutral of the avatar

  • ReplaceDataRecursively Replaces the existing data in the bone and all of its children with the supplied data, multiplied by the neutral of the avatar

  • ReplaceDataRecursivelyIgnoreNeutral Replaces the existing data in the bone and all of its children with the supplied data, ignoring the neutral of the avatar

  • CombineData Combines the existing data in the bone with the supplied data, multiplied by the neutral of the avatar

  • CombineDataIgnoreNeutral

Combines the existing data in the bone with the supplied data, ignoring the neutral of the avatar

  • CombineDataRecursively Combines the existing data in the bone and all of its children with the supplied data, multiplied by the neutral of the avatar

  • CombineDataRecursivelyIgnoreNeutral Combines the existing data in the bone and all of its children with the supplied data, ignoring the neutral of the avatar

  • Ignore Do nothing

Make sure that exactly one adapter uses the neutral after every ReplaceData for that bone. This makes sure the data is correct for the currently selected model.